Władysław Hasior – Daniel Rycharski “I can tell you about myself and you”

The exhibition at the State Art Gallery in Sopot focuses on a PERSON and the world that surrounds him/her, a world whose “dramatic nature” was noticed and commented on by Władysław Hasior in his works, a world whose crisis of values Daniel Rycharski talks about. On the one hand, we have a narrator who wants to “awaken sensitivity to phenomena common to our everyday life”, who says that pain, loneliness, guilt are experiences that have accompanied humans for centuries. On the other hand, an artist who raises issues related to the exclusion of man, the non-acceptance of his otherness, who talks about the crisis of previously applicable moral norms and concepts, and the need for change and becoming active in the face of the problems brought by modern times. Both artists also emphasize their origins. Both of these voices come together into one story about the human experience.
More information: https://pgs-pl.translate.goog/wladyslaw-hasior-daniel-rycharski-moge-wam-opowiedziec-o-sobie-o-was/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp