XVI UBC General Conference online

UBC Presidium at the meeting held on 23 June 2021 decided that due to uncertain situation with the pandemic COVID-19, the XVI General Conference in 2021 will be held online.
The Conference will consist of the General Assembly including reports, elections, membership fees, strategic documents etc.
Due to security reasons, link to the meeting will be sent out to all registered participants few days before the event.
The XVII General Conference in St. Petersburg “Resilient Baltic Sea Cities. Tackling the challenges and creating the future(s)” will take place in 2022 or 2023 depending on pandemic development.
The 2022/23 conference will focus on the UBC cities’ resilience. Today our cities and societies are facing COVID-19 pandemic and its long-term consequences. The pandemic is, however, just one of major risks posed on the cities. Financial and economic crises, population flows, environment and climate phenomena, natural and anthropogenic disasters, social conflicts and terrorism – all these challenges have to be tackled.
A resilient city would not just wait the crisis to pass. It would be able to maintain a continuity of its services and functions throughout any shocks and dangers, it would respond and react, while protecting and enhancing people’s lives. How to design more equitable, liveable, resilient cities?
The conference presentations and discussions will hopefully provide us with some ideas on new ways of governance, cooperation, new services and funding. As a city is a complex system, our work will focus on various dimensions, e.g. economic, social, environmental.
Traditionally, the youth perspective will be included in all sessions and workshops.
More information will follow. Stay tuned!