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XXX Kashubian Fair in Rumia


It is organized by the Rum branch of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association and the Municipal Cultural Center . Almost from the very beginning, the event has been held on the first Sunday in August. We invite Kashubian vocal and dance groups, folk artists from whom you can buy handicrafts, but also delicatessen stands with Kashubian cuisine, bread with lard and cucumber and other products and souvenirs. Inflatables and other attractions are prepared for children. There are also competitions organized for the public: family competitions, painting competitions, nail hammering competitions and tug of war competitions. The latter replaced the pole climbing competition, which had a tradition of almost thirty years.

More information: https://rumia-eu.translate.goog//Wydarzenie/xxx-jarmark-kaszubski-w-rumi?callendarCategory=0&callendarLocalization=0&query&dateFrom=2024-07-10&dateTo&date=2024-07-10&_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp