Yiddish Tango

An extraordinary evening filled with Polish-Jewish tango from the old days of our capital and traditional Argentine tango in modern arrangements. The world of tango will be taken by: vocalist Olga Avigail, the band Tango Attack and the Elbląg Chamber Orchestra.
The musical performance will show the phenomenon of pre-war tango as the fruit of the intertwining of Slavic and Jewish elements. The vast majority of tangos were written by Polish authors of Jewish origin. Thanks to this, there was a creative exchange between the Polish-language popular culture of Warsaw and its Yiddish counterpart, which had an extensive entertainment circuit.
The concert will also feature classic tangos from the 1930s from Buenos Aires , the capital of tango and a source of inspiration for Polish tango creators.
More information: https://eok-elblag-eu.translate.goog/wydarzenia/323?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp