Yläkaupungin Yö 2025

Yläkaupungin Yö, which is held annually in the surroundings of Jyväskyläs Yläkaupunki, Älylä and Seminaarinmäki is a city festival run mainly by volunteers. It is a free event, planned, organized, and carried out by a wide range of volunteers. Feel free to participate.
The festival’s multi-art program in recent years has included dance, theater, movies, performances, lectures, visual arts, live music, word art, workshops, programs for children, games and exercise. In Yläkaupungin Yö we have seen up to about 200 performances at 50 different venues, and in may, the city festival is visited by 30,000 to 50,000 visitors yearly. Yläkaupungin Yö provides a showcase for numerous performers, groups and organizations in various art forms, revitalizing urban culture and the region’s economy.
The purpose of Yläkaupungin Yö ry is to maintain and support cultural activities and to promote cooperation between various cultural organizations and citizens’ voluntary cultural pursuits. Through its activities, the association strives to bring different aspects of culture closer together and to renew and develop citizens’ perceptions of culture.
More information: https://www.ylakaupunginyo.fi/en/info-3/