Open call for cultural organisations and initiatives – Kaunas Culture Fair 2024

It’s time to invite you to register for the fourth Kaunas Culture Fair! This is the annual opening of the cultural season and a platform for partnership building. The aim of the fair is to introduce the public to the activities of cultural organisations and initiatives, the news of the season, to increase the number of visitors to the events of cultural organisations and initiatives, and to increase the sales of cultural services and products. We plan to invite 35 participants to the 2024 Kaunas Culture Fair, who will have the opportunity to participate in the fair, the stage programme and portfolio screenings of artists working in Kaunas. This year we invite organisations and initiatives from all over Lithuania and abroad to register!

Kaunas Culture Fair 2024 will take place on 6-7 September in Kaunas, Lithuania. 

Opening hours:

09.06 Friday 14:00 – 20:00

09.07 Saturday 11:00 – 20:00

Participants (cultural organisations, initiatives, communities, projects, etc.) will set up their stands in pavilions where they will be able to present their activities, news of the season, distribute tickets for performances, festivals, concerts and other shows, sell books, souvenirs, season tickets, services, etc.

Each participant will be allocated a 6 sqm area with 1 table, 2 chairs, an electrical socket and the name of the participant. Participants will be allowed to bring additional equipment and merchandise, subject to prior agreement with the organisers.

Participant fee for two days – 120 EUR (includes: event infrastructure, stand area, electricity, participant’s promotion in the event communication, city fee for permission to trade during the event, security services, etc.)

REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL 15 MAY. Selected participants will be contacted by 31 May, contracts signed and invoices submitted for payment by 30 June.

Programme of cultural events (stage)

If you want to present your activities to the public beyond the fair stands, we invite you to take part in the “Kaunas Culture Fair 2024” stage programme. On stage, we invite you to organise theatre, dance, music and other performances, book and other presentations, as well as a variety of engaging workshops, games and other activities that would not be possible at an exhibitor’s stand.

Stage type – informal ‘street stage’ closer to the people, not on a high platform, with a sound system.

The content and performance equipment is provided by the proposing organisation or initiative, the sound is provided by the organisers of Kaunas Culture Fair.

The time allotted per participant on stage is 30 minutes, consisting of a 10-minute interview about the programme presented and up to 20 minutes of performance time.

The total duration of the stage programme is limited, so not all of the proposed content can be included in the programme. The specific time of the performance will be chosen by the organiser of Kaunas Culture Fair.

The stage programme will be broadcast live on Kaunas Artists’ House Radio.

Portfolio previews of the artist

Kaunas Culture Fair is changing the format of its three-year-long visit programme and this year invites you to a portfolio review of emerging artists working in Kaunas. This part of the event remains reserved for professionals in the cultural field. The aim is to introduce Lithuanian cultural organisations and initiatives to emerging artists working in Kaunas from different fields and to promote networking and collaboration.

During the portfolio screenings, 20 selected emerging artists from different fields will present their work to cultural organisations and initiatives from all over Lithuania. Each presentation will last 10-15 minutes. Participating organisations and initiatives will watch one presentation at a time.

Portfolio screenings of the artist(s) will take place:

6 September (Friday), 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00, at Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery or Kaunas Artists’ House.

Kaunas Culture Fair is organised by the Kaunas Artists’ House. Funded by Kaunas City Municipality and Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Contact Information:

If you want to register, please contact:
Viktorija Mašanauskaitė-Rinkšelė,
Kaunas Culture Fair Manager / Kaunas Artists’ House Cultural Partnerships Coordinator
Tel.+370 664 22938