PITCH project Activity Clusters

In October 2023 the PITCH project entered a new part of the implementation phase – Activity Clusters. It will last till March 2024.

The previous part – Cosy Corners, has ended in September. Cosy Corners are social gatherings, where the groups of selected migrant women, 30 in each country, could meet in a friendly, informal atmosphere. Those meetings helped the women, who had not been taking part in the life of society, to open and chat with others, also to take part in informal activities. However, the main aim of the Cosy Corners was to find out what the migrant women’s needs, wishes and obstacles for successful integration are, and what socio educational activities can be offered to them to facilitate their integration in the host country.

During Cosy Corners personalized roadmaps for each woman were prepared, with the use of profiling tools, like e.g. questionnaires, and with help of linguistic and cultural mediators. The roadmaps contain topics from the Activity Clusters, individually selected by women, which shall help them integrate with the society.

There are three Activity Clusters created by the project partners. They combine upskilling, awareness-raising and social activities. These activities are then adapted to each local context.

Upskilling cluster (20 hours) offers host country language lessons and activities increasing:

– digital skills (e.g. creating basic documents, a bank account, social media accounts; using mobile phone applications);

– employment related skills (writing a cv, online job applications)

– entrepreneurial skills (writing a business plan, study visit to business incubators)

The second cluster: Awareness raising / Guidance (15 hours) helps the migrant women learn about their rights and duties, abuse of rights/domestic violence/sexual abuse, active citizenship. This cluster offers also career training guidance, talent discovery, skills analysis and career path design.

In the third, Social Cluster (15 hours), participating women migrants take part in Neighborhood Walks, social cafés, and other activities like e.g. movie nights, DYI workshops, common cooking, etc.

Each participating in the project migrant woman must choose at least one topic from each Activity Cluster, so minimum 50 hours in total, but they are welcome to participate in more classes.

PITCH project website: https://pitch-eu.eu/