The Flagship project School to Work (S2W)

The Flagship project School to Work (S2W) aims to strengthen transnational cooperation between stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region in the field of education and work in order to prevent early school leaving and develop support for vulnerable groups of students/youth, specifically NEETs, early school leavers and newly arrived refugees. The project will thus contribute to the achievement of relevant targets in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the EU’s overall strategy Europe 2020. Policy gaps and system flaws will be identified and cooperation models once established, jointly worked through in order to develop new solutions, methods and models.

Initiator of this flagship is SALAR (The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions). At the moment there are more than 60 members from the Baltic Sea Region. City of Turku’s education division coordinates the platforms of Early School Leaving and Newly Arrived Refugees together with the UBC Task Force on Youth Employment and Well-Being and the ESF funded project AboaNova. Knowledge platform NEET is coordinated by Norden Association.

More information:
Matti Mäkelä
Head of the Project Management Office / Education Division, City of Turku
Tel. +358 44 9073 166