Inclusive and Healthy Cities Commission webinar

Inclusive and Healthy Cities Commission
Webinar “Sport and Disability – How to create and promote attractive offerings”
30 March 2022, 10:00 – 13:00 CET
The City of Rostock invites you to a webinar on the topic sport and disability. The event is dedicated to municipalities, sport institutions, NGOs and all organisations active in the field of sport and/ or inclusion. Three interesting speakers will present insights into concrete and successful projects in Germany, Denmark and world wide. All participants will have a chance to network and discuss. Enhance your network and improve your inclusive sport offerings.
If you want to participate, please register under the following link until 29 March 2022: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErceGuqzouHN1nptdZrycI9DK7E-EgmBjT
More information: Invitation and programme