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Easy Living in Kemi

2023-07-13 8:00 am to 2023-07-16 5:00 pm

Place: Meripuiston laululava/City center, Kemi

Easy Living in Kemi is an amazing music festival organized by the City of Kemi! This year the festival will be a four-day event and every day has its own theme – there will be concerts of different music styles for people of all ages! The main program is organized at Meripuiston laululava, but the whole city is involved and joins the festival. The program will be published later in the spring. Last year’s event (in Finnish): https://www-kemi-fi.translate.goog/tapahtumat/easy-living-in-kemi/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp