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Barents Summer Games 2024

2024-08-23 8:00 am to 2024-08-25 5:00 pm

Barents Games is coming to Finland! The international youth sports event will be organized next summer in Finland, Kemi and Tornio. The municipality is filled with the joy of sports when representatives of 15 different sports come to compete in the Meri-Lap region.

Sports include athletics, tennis, table tennis, judo, football, orienteering, archery, shooting, boxing, wrestling, golf, bocce, bowling, bowling and powerlifting!

More information: https://www-kemi-fi.translate.goog/tapahtumat/barents-summer-games-2024/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp