
Participatory budgeting is a process of democratic decision-making in which ordinary people take part in preparing and adopting a municipal or public budget. In the Baltic Sea region, only a […]


ABCD (ARS BALTICA Creative Dialogue) intends to gather creative and cultural practitioners in all Baltic Sea Region coun­tries, provide space for discussion in an open environment and create synergies for […]

The Flagship project School to Work (S2W)

The Flagship project School to Work (S2W) aims to strengthen transnational cooperation between stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region in the field of education and work in order to prevent […]

iWater – Integrated Storm Water Management

Climate change has led to more frequent and intense storm and rainfall events along with increased flooding, storm water runoff, and soil erosion. These are forcing planners and storm water […]

IWAMA Interactive Water Management

In municipal waste water treatment (WWT) sector singular solutions are not enough anymore to improve the nutrient removal and meet the stringent HELCOM recommendations. Instead a comprehensive approach to all […]

Creative Ports

The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) represent a leading opportunity area of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). With strong emphasis on innovation it has a significant ability to solve problems […]