CREST project Multiplier Event

Re-purposing of the public buildings and spaces is becoming increasingly important task in various public institutions (municipalities, higher education institutions, national governments, etc.).
The aim of the Erasmus+ project CREST – Creative Repurposing of Educational Spaces for Innovative Student-centred Environments is to address the challenges of HE institutions in the processes of re-purposing of educational buildings and spaces. Their main challenge addressed through the project is the lack of professional expertise when it comes to creating and sustaining learning environments that support student centred learning and implement principles of learning ergonomics.
The activities in the project include the mapping of existing practices models of repurposing educational buildings and spaces, creation of a model for HE institutions on how to implement re-purposing that is adapted to the contemporary needs and their piloting in the partner countries, creating manual for the implementation of the model and finally dissemination and advocacy.
More about the project: https://cresteu.org/
CREST Multiplier Event in Gdańsk, will be held on 7 November 2022, where you will learn more about the project, the methodology and outputs. The Manual which provides guidelines for repurposing educational buildings and spaces will be presented.
Another important part of the meeting concerns the role of local authorities in the design and implementation of participatory processes of changing the purpose of buildings and public spaces, also cooperation of local authorities with universities (exchange of experiences, experts, participation in the planning of the above processes).
During the discussion you are very welcome to share your experiences.
Register by 31 October 2022 at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemrAIuA_BPtDyA54Ob2cqGsbZLuh08IPmq0tdPXI5vkxOHyg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Please be informed that It will be also possible to participate online.