European Conference on beautiful, sustainable and inclusive cities

During the Swedish Presidency of EU a number of meetings are held in Sweden, among those The Urban Agenda of the EU and European policies and initiatives towards greener cities form the basis of this conference. Links between the green city vision and initiatives such as New European Bauhaus will be explored, stressing the relevance of integrated approaches towards sustainable urban development. The aim is to share knowledge and methods, showcase best practices and discuss ‘next practices’.
The conference programme includes prominent international keynote speakers, cross-thematic panel sessions, speculative future workshops, in-depth site visits and much more. This will be an opportunity to strengthen the European bonds and networks with participants from the public and private sectors, professionals and academics, who together will influence the creation of beautiful, sustainable and inclusive cities for the future.
On-site participation is by invitation only.
More information: https://swedish-presidency.consilium.europa.eu/en/events/conference-on-green-cities-14-156/