Kalmar Christmas market

2024-12-07 8:00 am to
2024-12-08 5:00 pm
Welcome to Kalmar Christmas Market Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December 2024! The market offers a fantastic Christmas atmosphere for two whole days at Stortorget in Kalmar City. As a visitor, you will be met by genuine exhibitors in crafts, food crafts, art, crafts, design, delicacies, food crafts, etc. In addition to this, there is also entertainment, music, competitions, etc. and of course Santa also comes to visit so the children can leave their wish list.
More information: https://kalmar-com.translate.goog/evenemang/evenemang/2024-07-15-kalmar-julmarknad.html?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp