Kemi Fishing Festival 2025

Kemi Fishing Competition
at the Mansikkanokka breakwater / Kemi Inner Harbour (location to be confirmed later)
14.6.2025 10-14
Competition category: General (Everyone can participate)
Classes and fees: men 10 euros, women 10 euros and youth 5 euros
Prizes: the winners of the classes will be awarded a Fisherman’s Statue and 60 percent of the participation fees will be distributed
as prizes to the top three in each class,
all youth will be awarded fishing-themed prizes.
More information: https://www-kemi-fi.translate.goog/tapahtumat/kemin-onkimestaruus-2025-14-6-2024/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp