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Learning Cities Commission, Education Conference and Study Visit in Riga

2024-10-23 to 2024-10-24

UBC Learning Cities Commission will arrange Education Conference and Study Visit in Riga on 23-24 of October.

The themes of the conference and study visit will focus on school attendance,  educational technologies, A.I., STEAM, students’ support, basic skills, pathways to school success, and the attractiveness of teachers’ profession. The program includes keynote presentations, panel discussions and workshops. The objective of the conference as well as the study visits is to share best practices and knowledge, and to bring together education experts and decision-makers from different countries.

The reception will be held on 23rd at 19:00-20:30. The participants must cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

The deadline for registrations is the 23rd of September at 16.00. Registration at: https://www.lyyti.in/UBC_Education_Conference_2024_7653

UBC Education Conference Riga Program

More information:

Matti Mäkelä
Chairman, LCC (UBC)
Head of the Project Management Office / City of Turku

Learning Cities