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Maia Hirasawa at Söderhamn’s theatre


Maia Hirasawa broke through with the album “Though I’m Just Me” in 2007 and with songs like “And I found this Boy” and “The Worrying kind”. Since her debut 13 years ago, she has managed to release six albums in Sweden and also has a solid career in her father’s home country of Japan, where she has had several big hits. During these years, she has written music in Swedish, Japanese and English and produced many of her albums herself. She is also a diligent composer for films, TV series and commercials in Japan.

Maia Hirasawa invites you to a happy and varied party on the new album “Bättre”.

More information: https://www-visitsoderhamn-se.translate.goog/sv/maia-hirasawa-pa-soderhamns-teater?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp