Monoplay “There will be no monsters”

“There will be no monsters”
No one else in life can bear as much as a woman who is responsible for her children.
We are all similarly happy, and our troubles differ only in the depth of pain.
This play is a woman’s candid account of her life, in which the humor behind the ears pulls the despair out of the pit. Everyone sitting in the hall will recognize themselves and have the opportunity to look at themselves as if in a mirror. Only the love that lies within us can change the world.
A one-man show about never giving up. Never.
More information: https://www-jkc-lt.translate.goog/renginys/?rid=1060&_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp