Pakasukko Blues N`Jazz

Pakkasukko Blues N`Jazz will be held in Kemi for the 18th time from 6 to 9 February 2025.
The traditional event offers a strong and diverse range of rhythmic music from both Finland and abroad.
The main days of the four-day event are Friday 7 February and Saturday 8 February. Friday’s event will take place in the legendary restaurant Ankkuri and hotel Merihovi from 7 pm to 1:15 am. The Swedish The Troubled Three, Estonian The Tri-Tones, British band Dirty Robbers, Arctic Swing Trio feat. Anne-Mari Kannianen, Kalabaliikki, Mr.Breathless feat. Hot Shakes, and local Heli & Nice Boys will take to the stage. On Saturday, from 6pm to midnight, Erja Lyytinen will perform in the premises of Kemi’s iconic year-round Snow Castle, along with pianist Harri Taittonen, Salsa Coruna del Norte, Robbie Hill trio (UK/FIN), jazz singer Alice Carreri (DK) and Jantso Jokelin.
In addition, on both nights, the festival crowd will be entertained by DJ Frankly`Jo spinning vinyl records. The event will be hosted by the versatile writer-musician-journalist from Kemi, Tommi E. Virtanen, and fashion icon Kaisu Brehmer.
More information: https://www.kemi.fi/tapahtumat/pakkasukko-blues-njazz-6-9-2-2025/