School To Work Annual Conference

The fourth conference of the Flagship School to Work will be held in Gdańsk on the 11th of June. This year the conference will have focus on sustainable and coherent strategies from school to work – finding a red thread from preventative work in schools to education and outreach work for NEETs.
The conference will cover all three areas of Flagship´s actions and is welcoming participants in workshops and co-creation.
Keynote speaker is Dr. Paul Downes. He is Associate Professor of Education (Psychology) and Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland. He has been involved in various expert advisory roles for the European Commission, including for its School Policy Working. Mr Downes has over 90 publications of books/research monographs, research articles in international peer reviewed ranked journals and book chapters in areas of education, psychology, philosophy, law, anthropology and social policy.
The registration is HERE.
More information:
Carolin Sundberg
Coordinator of the EUSBSR Flagship “School to Work”
Section of Labor Market
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
Hornsgatan 20
118 82 Stockholm
Tel. +46 8 4527388