The Falowiec phenomenon

The exhibition will allow you to understand the fascination with unusual residential buildings by indicating their origins and reception among contemporary artists and creators.
When they began to be built, they aroused great interest – they were considered the pride of Gdańsk construction. Next to the Crane and the cathedral in Oliwa, those buildings were mandatory points on the tour route in all guidebooks. Over time, they began to enjoy a bad reputation. Like other “block housing estates”, and indeed the entire Polish society, they were affected by the economic crisis, which intensified in the 1980s and 1990s. However, a lot has changed since then, the buildings are being renovated and the apartments therein have become a desirable address. They are located in a well-connected district, and its unique advantage is the proximity of a sandy beach and the sea.
The intriguing form of the bent wave shapes makes it impossible to ignore them. The building has been portrayed or has become an inspiration for artists and creators of various disciplines. The Waves also inspire young people who use the building as an intriguing backdrop on social media. As writer and artist Salcia Hałas wrote about the falowiec: “…I think it is beautiful, but in a not-so-subtle way. And stunning in its enormity. Like a Gothic cathedral, only sideways.”
More information: https://www-gdansk-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenia/fenomen-falowca,w,31834?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp