The Great Elf Factory

2023-11-23 to 2023-12-30
Did you know that in Gdańsk, from November 23 to December 30, children will be able to discover the magic of Christmas using all their senses? Such wonders can only be found in the Great Elf Factory, which will once again come to Gdańsk and you will be able to visit it at AmberExpo.
What can the youngest ones count on? For a whole lot of puzzles and adventures, and above all, for good fun wandering through the fabulous and colorful houses in the Great Elf Factory, which delight at every step!
More information: https://www-gdansk-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenia/wielka-fabryka-elfow,w,32368?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp