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2024-01-26 to 2024-04-27

That is, how to survive in Northern Finland

For centuries, explorers, artists and writers have tried to describe the extreme conditions of the North and its unique people in their works. And for just as long, they have failed miserably in their portrayals. Either there is too much Lapland added or the author has not even bothered to visit the place. We, too, will not settle for anything less in our search for the ultimate truth in the North!

The viewer is warmly invited to join this expedition! There will be wonderful atmospheric pictures, lively singing together and crazy traveling company. Rinkka is packed with local musical delights, a bit of humor stronger than a man and absolutely all the police series filmed in Lapland.

More information: https://www-keminteatteri-fi.translate.goog/esitys/pohjolan-mieleton-historia/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp