Webinar: Breaking bad habits – Increasing multimodality through mobility management

How can we transform our urban areas from car-dominated spaces to spaces for people? Can we support changes to the way that people travel in cities through the provision of multimodal infrastructure and options? And how can we together with our residents, create a city space for all?
These were the leading questions for the cities.multimodal projects (INTERREG BSR Programme 2017-2021), including 10 cities around the Baltic Sea as well as numerous expert partners. To present the results and outcomes from the project, cities.multimodal is launching the “CHANGE YOUR WAY(S) – Towards liveable cities in the Baltic Sea Region” webinar series.
The third webinar session “Breaking bad habits – Increasing multimodality through mobility management” will take place on 11 February 9:30-11:00 CET. In this session we will take a look at mobility management for different target groups and the impact it can have on multimodality. Welcome to join!
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8571630334673787664
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