Wonders of the World Alive

Have you ever seen Santa Claus walking on the Arc de Triomphe? And in the Colosseum – not fierce gladiator fights, but gracefully dancing cat, hedgehog and chicken? You read everything correctly. On the Klaipėda-Palanga road, you will see the festively sparkling Eiffel Tower, which, like a guiding star, will lead you to the magical winter lights and music festival “Wonders of the World Alive”.
Here you will feel like you are in a real Christmas fairy tale, where fantasies and the most secret dreams turn into a wonderful reality! Light projections create an image that leaves an indelible impression. In a second, the walls collapse, the angry faces of the sculptures are replaced by cheerful Christmas characters, Big Ben resembles a dancer having fun at a modern disco, and the Taj Mahal shines in such colors that one moment you feel like you are in space among the orbiting planets, and the next you remember a childhood fairy tale about a wonderful candy and gingerbread man standing in the forest a house that you want to approach and taste.
More information: https://www-klaipedosrajonas-lt.translate.goog/renginys/atgyjantys-pasaulio-stebuklai/date-20240128/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp