YUPAD Final Meeting, Gdańsk

Final Meeting of the Project YUPAD – YoUth PArticipatory budgets empowering young people using big Data will be held on 7-8 February 2024 in Gdańsk.
This meeting will bring together all project partners within the YUPAD project consortium. The meeting is planned to ensure the efficient dissemination of project results and their sustainability. It will also finalize a comprehensive evaluation framework of the project and define steps for further collaboration after the project ends.
The partners that will be present at the meeting are: Out of the Box International from Belgium, Union of Baltic Cities from Poland, CESIE from Italy, Center for Social Innovation (CSI) from Cyprus, SUDWIND from Austria, City of Riga-Latvia, OPENS from Serbia, iED from Greece, HOMO EMINENS from Lithuania same as VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS (VMU).
About YUPAD project:
The project is designed to empower youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage with, shape, and influence participatory budgeting processes throughout their municipalities. This endeavor has produced a set of resources aimed at enhancing the involvement of young individuals in the formation of municipal budgets. Furthermore, it has delivered training programs to strengthen the capabilities of educators and municipal officials to facilitate participatory budgeting.
Project website: https://yupadproject.net