European Funds for Social Development 2021-27 Programme potential project partner search

Municipal Family Support Center in Gdańsk is looking for partners for a potential project financed by European Funds for Social Development 2021-27 Programme.

The main goal of the Center is to empower people in risk of social exclusion. It is also responsible for providing different social services. Currently they are developing project, that will be submitted under European Funds for Social Development 2021-27 Program, which is an Polish Program for EFS+. This particular call includes international component and that’s why they are looking for partner engaged in elderly support, mainly in services held in close surroundings of person, such as neighbourhood self-help. Project guidelines assume that within common cooperation new solutions in this area will be transferred/adopted in Poland.

Call of proposals will be held form 14th – 24th of June. Minimum amount of project cost has been estimated at 1 000 000 PLN (around 234 463 EUR). The implementation time of the tasks is a maximum of one year.

Partners Search MOPR Gdańsk 29.05

Contact Information:

If your institution would be interested in this kind of initiatives please do not hesitate to contact at