The Inhabitant’s Card available in Gdańsk

City of Gdańsk has introduced the Inhabitant’s Card. It provides free access (or at a reduced price) to some cultural, sport and entertainment services to the card holders.

The project aims at increasing inhabitants’ interest in the city and its institutions.

“Everyone of us can be a city ambassador”, says Paweł Adamowicz, Mayor of Gdańsk.

The Cards provide free access once a year to the ten attractions: the European Solidarity Centre, Hewelianum Centre, Gdańsk Zoo, the Tower of St. Mary’s Church, one of the swimming pools of Gdańsk Sport Centre, the city ice skating rink, The Amber Museum, a branch of the Historical Museum of the City of Gdańsk, the Abbot’s Palace, the Archaeological Museum and also allow to participate in a football game of Lechia Gdańsk.

The project is multi-annual and will be broadened.

The cost of the card is 1 PLN.

More information (in Polish):