Urban Planning and Environment seminar “Urban Streams”

Dear colleagues,
In the year when Riga is the European Capital of Culture Riga City Council City Development Department together with the Union of Baltic Cities Commission on Urban Planning and Commission on Environment invite you to the UBC joint commission seminar in Riga, Latvia in September 14th-17th, 2014 „Urban Streams” – see the enclosed preliminare program.
In this seminar we would like to address all these aspects of city-water relationship and let you find the answers to questions by working on specific territories in Riga. We want to share with you experiences and opinions. The pecha kucha session by participants will allow other participants to hear as much examples as possible. Please join!
The registration for the seminar can be made through: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/A64FE984FDE497AE.par
Registration is open until 14th of August.
Looking forward to meet you at the seminar!
If you have any questions, please don’t hestitate to contact:
Lauma Līdaka | Territorial planner, Riga City Council City Development Department – lauma.lidaka@riga.lv / +371 67105471
Māra Liepa-Zemeša | Territorial planner, Riga City Council City Development Department – mara.liepa@riga.lv / +371 67012926
Elīna Pētersone | Society envolvement expert, Riga City Council City Development Department – elina.petersone@riga.lv / +371 67105956
Niels-Peter Mohr |Co-chairman, UBC Commission on Urban Planning – npm@aarhus.dk / +4589402620
Björn Grönholm | Head of Secretariat, UBC Commission on Environment – bjorn.gronholm@ubc.net /+358449075987
Kind Regards
Niels-Peter Mohr
Architect, Head of Comprehensive Planning
Dir. +45 8940 2620
E-mail: npm@aarhus.dk