EPBD goes local

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have a proposal to you that I hope you will consider . We would be happy to have an on-line meeting to explain more.

EPBD goes local

The newly revised Energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) aims to achieve a zero-emission building stock in 2050 by decarbonization within the building sector. The implementation of the directive will place great demands on public bodies. The long-term objectives in the directive are challenging and for the short-term objectives, the implementation time is short.

In the proposed project, methods are to be developed on how public authorities could implement the directive in new construction, renovation, and the existing building stock.

Different common types of buildings for public activities, for example schools, day care centers and office buildings will be covered. The project aims to address all parts of the directive effecting public authorities (energy efficiency, solar energy, cycling and charging of electric vehicles).

A hands-on approach will be adopted, whereas checklists, handbooks and easy to follow methodologies will be created within the project. The tools produced within the projects will be full scale tested in the participating municipalities.  After tests, tools will be adjusted with the possibilities for a broader dissemination.

The aim for the project is that participating municipalities will have the abilities to meet the short time objectives of the directive and have a road map for the creation of emission free building stock.   

Deadline for application 5th of June.

Friendly, Pia Holgersson

V.1.0 Appointing Document

Call 3 Update ProjectIdeaCoreProjects 2.1.1 FINAL

Budgets For Projects In Interreg Baltic Sea


Contact Information:

Pia Holgersson

EU- och internationell samordnare/ EU- and international coordinator

Kommunledningsförvaltningen/ The municipal management administration

+ 46 455 303045

+ 46 734 154630

+ 46 455 303000 (vx)



linkedin.com/karlskrona kommun
