UBC TALKS webinar: Holistic solutions to mobility in port areas

Port and ferry terminal areas can sometimes overlap with urban centres and create tensions in the movement of residents. How to plan safe and sustainable integration of the industrial areas into the lively urban spaces and take the best from holistic and sustainable mobility solutions?
Cities of Hamburg, Riga, Turku, and Tallinn have teamed up with Aalto University (FI) and Royal Institute of Technology (SE) to develop and test innovative solutions to identify, assess, test, involve residents and tackle the manifold challenges. They are ready to share their practices – and will demonstrate the benefits and lessons learned from the tested solutions at the webinar on 22 February 2022 at 9.30-11.00 CET.
More information: https://www.ubc-sustainable.net/events/webinar-ubc-talks-about-holistic-solutions-mobility-port-areas
Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hXf-1vm8S72ePhtxyBwWpw